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Past Exhibitions
Du 01/07 au 25/09/2010
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The project of the Grenadière was born under the sign of a meeting. The meeting, personal, between two authors, those of their professional and artistic talents, that, finally, of the XIX siècle de Balzac et le XXI siècle japonais. Successful example of a journey through time and space by the means of artistic sensibility, the produced work received the golden crown of the best film at the Kinotayo Festival.
The ga-nime, combination of “ga”, which signifies a painting or a fixed image et “anime” which refers to the animation, is a filming method that takes part in all the arts of the fixed image (photography, painting, image of synthesis) and sound (music, text, sound effects). From here freely spreads out the imagination of authors who borrow from this or that technique what will make the best product.
The Maison de Balzac presents the drawings, paintings, and computer generated imagery of Takeshi Fukazawa that served him in the process of realizing the film. Meet or reencounter Balzac’s oeuvre, the hanging promises a singular visit of La Grenadiere , and certainly a discovery of an unknown Balzac.
Accrochage organisé par : Laure Doumens, bibliothécaire .